
三古展弘 学位論文 要旨

名古屋大学大学院環境学研究科都市環境学専攻 博士論文


名古屋大学大学院工学研究科地圏環境工学専攻 修士論文

 効率的な交通対策を実施し,自動車利用者の公共交通への転換を促すには,手段転換を表す精緻なモデルの構築が必要である.しかし,従来型の客観的な属性のみを説明変数に採用し,加法型の効用関数を仮定した補償型のモデルではこのような意向を的確に表現できないことが多かった.本研究では1) LISRELモデルによって同定された潜在変数を用いることによって個人の内面的な要因を表すモデル,2) 修正辞書型の意思決定ルールに基づいた非補償型のモデル,3) RP/SPの同時推定,を組み合わせたいくつかのモデルの構築・推定を行った.従来型のモデルとの比較の結果,転換意向の表現における,潜在変数や非補償型の意思決定ルールを用いたモデルの有効性が示された.

フランス国立ポンゼショセ大学国際経営大学院 修士論文
"Guidelines for Stated Preference Experiment Design" (Supervisors: Prof. Suman Modwel, Prof. Andrew Daly and Mr. Eric Kroes)

The purpose of stated preference design is how to collect data for efficient model estimation with as little bias as possible. Full factorial or fractional factorial designs have been frequently used just in order to keep orthogonality and to avoid multi-colinearity between the attributes. However, these factorial designs have a lot of practical problems. Although many methods are introduced to solve some of these problems, there is no powerful way which solves all problems at once. Therefore, we need to combine some existing methods in the experiment design.

So far, several textbooks about stated preference techniques have been published, but most of them just introduced some existing methods for experimental design and gave less guidance how to combine them.

In this paper, we build a framework which brings an easier guideline to build SP design. In each step of the framework, we show a problem to be considered and methods to solve it. For each method, the advantage, disadvantage and the criteria are explained.

Based on this framework, we believe even the beginner can build a reasonable design. Of course for advanced researchers, this paper will be a useful guidebook to understand stated preference design from different viewpoint.

名古屋大学工学部土木工学科 卒業論文

