


カルフール(Carrefour Group)は95年末に北京と上海に異なった現地パートナーと組んで、ほぼ同時に「家楽福」の看板を掲げた「大売場」(Hyper-market)を開店した2。2001年に中央政府の認可を得るまで、カルフール・グループは中国の各地に27の「家楽福」の看板を掲げた店舗を展開し、現在では、中国市場における外資系小売のトップ地位だけでなく、売上規模では、現地小売企業のトップである「聯華」と並ぶほど各地の小売市場で影響力のある地位を占めている。





1 本稿は、2002年11月台湾でのアジア流通フォーラムに提出したペーパーです。
2 95年以降、中国市場でもっとも急成長した小売形態は、カルフールの「Hyper-market」、聯華集団の「世紀超市」、ウォルマートの「Big-Box」、華聯が日本から導入した「GMS」(吉買盛)とメトロの会員制店舗などに代表される売場面積が1万以上の大型総合小売店舗である。

Strategies and Store Development of Carregour
in the Chinese Continent

In July 1992, the Chinese Central Government decided to open the Chinese retail market experimentally to foreign companies. Since then, foreign retailers started their full-fledged efforts to enter the Chinese Market.

At the end of 1995 Carrefour Group opened its hyper-markets with the banner of JIALEFU (家楽福) almost simultaneously in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen through cooperation with the different local partner companies3. Since then until 2001, when Carrefour received the approval from the Central Government, they had opened 27 stores throughout China with the banner of JIALEFU. At present, Carrefour is the number one foreign retailer in the Chinese market, and they occupy a presence as large as Lianhua, the Chinese number one local retailer in sales.

The aim of this paper is to analyze Carrefour, Number 2 retailer among global retailers, and describe the details of their strategies to enter the Chinese market, their store format, merchandise procurement activities and logistics management system.

This paper adopts an approach to analyze Carrefour’s strategies and activities, based on the data mainly collected at the field-work. Carrefour in the Chinese market is quite an interesting case to show how a global-scale retailer can develop its global standardization strategies, conquering uniqueness and local diversity of an emerging market, such as regional differences, which the huge Chinese Continent has.

This paper will show how useful theories accumulated to explain the past strategies to enter new markets, mostly in manufacturing industries, and the strategies related to global standardization would be. At the same time, some original themes for study which can be find in the recent globalization of retailers as well as several other features which conventional theories on the internationalization of retailers have failed to discuss will be discussed in this paper. It would be impossible to understand strategic development of Carrefour, if the interactions with local markets, local partners, and local rival companies. This is the very point that this paper would like to insist on most.

As the pages are limited, the basic pattern of Carrefour’s entry strategies and their features will be discussed in the first chapter. The second chapter is to explain the features of Carrefour’s store format and the management system. And the third chapter is to discuss its merchandize procurement and logistics system. Lastly, the implication of this paper will be discussed.

3 Since 1995, the format of retailers which made fastest development in China was the large-scale comprehensive retailers with 10,000㎡in shop area, such as “Hyper-market” of Carrefour, “Century-Mart” of Lianhua Group (聯華集団), “Big-Box” of Wal-mart, GSM which Hualian Group (華聯集団) introduced from Japan, and Cash & Carry member-shop of Metro.

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